Tree too close to a Sky Dish
Ever wondered why your Sky Dish is playing up and then realised that it’s because there is a tree growing too close to it?
This was the predicament of one of the residents of the same Housing Association in Milton Keynes who have kept us busy over the last couple of weeks.
We carried out a crown reduction (reduced the top) of this Mountain Ash. We could have just cut one side where the sky dish was, and left the other, but the tree would have looked uneven, so we also balanced the crown (top of the tree) giving a more even look.
More Hedge Tidying in Milton Keynes
Here’s some more work we did for the same housing association in Milton Keynes.
You can see from these photos that the trees are really overgrown and encroaching on the residents parking spaces, making parking more than one car difficult.
Our team worked to clear the greenery and cut everything back, making the area clean and tidy once more and creating space for the cars to park again.
If you have overgrown driveways or parking spaces with greenery which needs clearing then we would love to help!
Hedge Tidying in Milton Keynes
This housing association in Milton Keynes kept us busy last week with some hedge tidying for them.
We cut back all of the hedges around the estate, making sure that they won’t start encroaching on the road or houses.
Ash Tree & Bay Tree Reduction
Here is a job we completed in Enfield, an Ash tree and bay tree reduction.
The ash had a vine growing through it from some barren land which is not good for the tree.
The Tree was growing over the road so we had to pull it back to boundary and balance the crown. The Bay tree was growing over the pavement and too close to the house.
It was quite a big job to remove and reduce the tree at the same time, however, now our clients won’t have to worry about these trees for at least the next 2-3 years.
Reducing a Field Maple, Plum & Sycamore Tree
Here’s a lovely job we carried out yesterday, a reduction on a Field Maple, Plum and Sycamore Tree for a client who wanted them trimmed back before the weather gets colder.
The client was really happy with the result and they are now a much better size for the garden.
Reducing a Sycamore Tree in Welwyn
This job in Welwyn involving two sycamore trees was an interesting one.
The tree on the left had to be felled as it was leaning too much where it had been searching for light.
We also had to reduce the other one by 30% to keep it safe in situ too.
Cutting back a London Plane
Did you know that the London Plane is the capital’s most common tree, widely planted in the capital’s streets and parks around the 18th century and bringing the benefits of both improving air quality and providing shade.
Here’s Olly making easy work of climbing this Plane Tree that we were cutting back in London to allow for some construction works.
Removing Ash Trees in Baldock
This petrol station in Baldock is surrounded by greenery which separates the houses from the petrol station.
Whilst closed for refurbishment we were asked to remove these two Ash Trees from the area as they had grown too big for the space and had become a hazard.
All method statements and generic risk assessments were sent in before work could could commence and then a site specific risk assessment was also carried out whilst on site.
Felling an Ash Tree in a tricky spot
Sometimes trees grow in tricky spaces and of course, developments spring up around trees too.
This Ash tree had grown so large that it was overhanging sheds and fences and properties nearby.
The Housing Association who own the land asked us to fell the tree as it had become too dangerous for the locations and so we cut down the tree over two days without any damage to the surroundings.
Reducing Overhanging Trees during Network Railway Closure
When Network Rail shut a portion of a railway line recently, we took the opportunity to jump on the closure and do some work for an allotment site where the trees were overhanging the railway tracks.
We were really excited about this job and the opportunity to work at night. We hired large lighting rigs to provide us with the lighting we needed to do the job and the client was really happy to finally have the trees cut back and. It overhanging the tracks anymore!
We’re great at finding solutions for trees which require work so if you’ve been experiencing issues with trees and hitting barriers, please do give us a call.
Allotments for a Parish Council
We do a lot of work for Kings Langley Parish Council in Dacorum and they recently asked us clear this fallen tree at one of their allotments.
This was a standard job for us and one that we were well equipped to carry out.
If you know of any friends or family members who sit on their Parish Council then we’d love a conversation with them to see if we could help them with their tree needs.
Black Italian Poplar Tree Removal
Imagine trying to remove a tree on your property for years, but not being able to because you can’t find a tree company to take on such a difficult job.
This was the predicament of our current clients who have a huge black Italian poplar tree which is causing subsidence to the houses around which is in a location where there is limited access to the garden. Another challenge is also that there is a large drop zone to lower debris on one side, but very little drop zone on the other, so everything has to be carefully orchestrated whilst we’re working.
This job has been 3 months in the planning with the client and it will actually take us around three weeks to fell the tree as we have to take everything we remove through a nearby communal hallway of some flats behind. We are also trying to alternate the climbers on this job as the tree is so big.
We have Gary, Olly and Karl who have all been taking their turns climbing this tree and bringing it down safely.
A site specific risk assessment is written and explained every day and at least one, normally 2 NPTC Ariel rescue qualified members of staff are on the ground every day just in case of an accident as it is such a tricky job.
Maintaining a Conifer Hedge
Did you know that we don’t just look after trees.
We also help maintain hedges too!!
Here’s a huge Conifer Hedge Huge we have just taken over to maintain twice a year.
We were really happy with the result once it was pruned.
Pollarding a Sycamore Tree in a tricky position
We love working in London but sometimes the properties there present is with challenges of accessing the back of the property, like at this recent job where we pollarded (cut the top off) a Sycamore Tree.
There was no back or side access to the property and so we had to take everything we cut off up the stairs at the back, through the property and down through the front door – all part of the job!
We love a challenge and so if you have a property with limited access but have trees which need working on then just give us a call!
Leylandii Reduction
We were really pleased with how this little Leylandii reduction turned out. It has a lovely shape to it.
You don’t always have to flat top these, you can give them a nice shape instead.
We had to seek permissions from the local authorities as this tree was in a conservation area. It took 6 weeks from quoting and applying to then gaining the permissions and being able to carry out the work.
If a tree is in a conservation area then we can assist the client with all of the necessary paperwork for getting permission for work to proceed.
Removing a Huge Conifer
Take a look at this huge conifer which was taking up a sizable chunk of our clients garden and encroaching on the entrance to their property.
It had also grown so tall that it was a hazard to the house.
We removed the entire conifer safely and efficiently in two days and now our client has the view at the front of the property back.
Repollarding a Sycamore Tree
We were recently asked to repollard (cut back and prune) the upper branches of this sycamore tree as it was starting to become unruly and block the light from neighbouring houses.
It wasn’t as simple as removing the branches from the tree. We were tasked by the property management company with applying for permissions from the council and organising for parking restrictions to be implemented in order for us to remove the branches from the tree.
Additionally, the pruned tree branches needed to be brought through the house as there was no access to the back of the property so we had to use coverings to protect the walls and the floor.
It was definitely a tricky job and one which really relied on good communication between ourselves, the property management company, homeowner and the council.
That’s where we can really add value when it comes to all things tree related, by taking the stress and hassle out of having tree work done as we are aware of laws and permissions needed, and can guide you through the whole process.
Removing a dead Chestnut Tree
When a tree has died, you would think most of the time it would be pretty easy to remove… right?
Well some times this is the case, and other times, the removal takes a little bit of planning.
We recently removed a dead Chestnut Tree for a client, where the tree was surrounded by decking and a log cabin, plus other trees, placing it in quite a tricky position to work on.
The Chestnut tree was too unsafe for us to climb as its condition had deteriorated so much, and so we had to place our “lifeline” (the rope that attaches us to our harness and the tree) in the Scots Pine right next to the Chestnut tree.
Using our expert rigging techniques, we felled the tree safely, with no damage to the decking or log cabin.
Whilst at the job, we also reshaped a Yew Tree next to the Cabin too.
The client was very happy with all of our work and relieved that the dead Chestnut Tree would no longer cause issues in their garden.
Light for a Kitchen Garden
Lime Tree Reduction
Reducing the height of a row of Ash Trees
We were asked to reduce the height of this row of Ash Trees, and also reduce the sides, which were hanging over the car park behind.
The ivy around these trees is perfect for nesting birds, and so we undertook regular visits leading up to start date, to check for any birds who were already nesting.
Thankfully, the trees being situated next to a busy road meant that rather than choosing to live here, the birds instead have decided to reside in a large woodland close by, so we were ok to complete the work.
Monolith of a Black Italian Poplar Tree
After the branches had fallen from this Black Italian Poplar tree, the client wanted to reduce the rest and leave a smaller monolith in the trunk, for any wildlife who may want to use it as a home.
This tree was also near a sub-station, so we had to organise with the electricity board and place a crash pad over the sub Station, so we could carry out the work safely and not damage the sub station.
We removed any danger of further limbs falling, whilst reducing the tree to a more manageable size. There are loads of cavities for birds to live in and the main part of the tree, which was dying and rotting, will be great for beetles and wood lice to make their home.
The client can now also enjoy seeing the wildlife around their garden which this monolith will attract, which is great for the environment too!
Removing Weight after the tree lost a limb
Sometimes when trees lose a limb (or branch), they need to have some of the weight taken out of them, so that they don’t become dangerous.
Here’s Martin talking you through this recent job to remove weight from the crown.
Deadwooding Lime Trees
Here we are deadwooding Lime Trees, as part of a bigger job we won for a Parish Council.
This is typical of the kind of work that we’re able to help with at Longacre.
Oak Tree Reduction
Here’s another beautiful Oak Tree that we were instructed to prune for a client.
An application went in to the local council for a 30% reduction which was granted, so we cut the tree back from the property and road side enough also making sure to leave a balanced crown.
Another happy tree and happy customer which is what we like!
Reducing Hornbeam Trees
Dead Sycamore Tree in Clapham
We were contacted by a property management company we work with, as they had a dead sycamore tree in Clapham which needed to be felled.
The tree was completely dead and so it’s stability couldn’t be relied upon to climb.
To keep ourselves safe we tied our ropes into one of the other nearby trees whilst we were working. 
The job was also made more tricky by the fact that the tree was close to a main road so we had to be mindful of pedestrians on the pavement and traffic on the road.
We climbed the tree and began work whilst other members of our team monitored pedestrians and traffic on the ground and we completed the job safely and effectively for the client.
Oak Tree Pruning to try to save the tree
When trees are in decline, we often have to make the call whether to remove them, or work on them and then wait and see how they respond.
This sad old oak tree in one of our client’s gardens is in decline.
We had a few meetings with the client as he wanted to remove it, However, we thought that there were enough growth points located on the inner crown for us not to fell the tree immediately.
We came up with a plan where we could prune the tree and see how it responds first, before making a decision on removal and so that’s what we did, and we will assess how the tree gets on over the next few months.
If you want help and advice on any of the trees at your property, then we’re always happy to assist!
Removing Italian Poplars for a Parish Council
Another job for a Parish Council today – two dangerous black Italian poplars that needed removing. The area was in a small park and there were quite a few obstacles in the way during the job.
We had just encountered some bad weather leading up to the job, so we had to be mindful of not churning up the grass and turf. We also had to be careful not to drop any wood into the river behind and with limited space to work, ensure that we didn’t break any park benches or street furniture during the job.
Thankfully we are used to working in small, limited spaces and so the entire job was completed to plan by the team.
If you know of tree works in your parish needing to be undertaken then we’d love an intro to your Parish Council members!
Reduction of a Hazel Tree
Here’s a lovely job on a Hazel tree in a residential street which we worked on recently.
We carried out an all round reduction, making sure to leave ample growth points for new growth for the tree, whilst also ensuring that the tree is safe for pedestrians, parked vehicles and passing traffic.
This is a great example of work we carry out for local councils. If we can be of assistance for any of the trees in your care then please do get in touch.
A Monolith for Habitat from an Oak Tree
Here is some winter pollarding we are undertaking for a local council.
We were recently asked to fell this huge Oak Tree at a property because the owner was concerned that it was becoming unsafe.
However, they asked us to leave the main trunk as a monolith, so that habitat could use it as a home.
So we removed most of the tree, and made it safe so that it didn’t fall on client’s home.
This is a win-win situation – the client is no longer worried about their property and local wildlife still have the trunk to use as a home!
Take a look at our series of videos which talks you through the job.

Winter Pollarding for a local Council
Here is some winter pollarding we are undertaking for a local council.
We have 90 trees to “pollard” which means cutting the tops of the trees off to encourage new growth – essentially a bit like giving them a haircut so that they will grow.
This is a great example of one of the bigger jobs that our experienced team can handle.
We’d love to connect with more local councils and housing associations who require this type of work so please do get in touch if we can be of assistance.
Oak Tree Pruning in Brookmans Park
We were really privileged to have been chosen to prune this stunning Oak Tree in Brookmans Park.
The tree was very old and subject to a Tree Preservation order, so we had to apply for council permissions to complete the work.
The plan for the tree was to thin and reduce the upper crown and remove significant weight for the lower crown.
The tree was also overhanging the neighbouring property and so we had to remove the overhang, whilst trying to keep a balanced crown.
It took our team seven hours to prune this tree but was well worth it.
Needless to say everyone slept well that night!
Do you have trees overhanging your neighbouring property? We can help you keep the neighbours happy by keeping your trees well maintained!

Removing a Giant Redwood in Redbourn
We recently won the contract to remove a Giant Redwood in Redbourn, near St Albans. The tree had to be removed as an independent surveyor had deemed it unsafe with potential for failure, meaning that it could easy fall down and cause huge amounts of damage to the neighbouring homes, boundary walls and other trees.
Take a look at our video where we talk you through the job.
Reducing a Cherry Tree in London
So what do you do when this is the only access you have through a property to remove a tree?
We were asked to reduce this Cherry Tree for a Housing Association in London.
The access was through a really small/tight flat and was horrible. We had to come up with a really good solution to get the bits of the tree we removed out of the area without disturbing the flat.
So how did we solve the issue of no access at the housing association in London when we were reducing this Cherry Tree?
Well we decided to take the branches we cut off through the air instead! So we used a rope and pulley system to send an empty bag to our guys up the tree and then they sent it back filled.
We were quite impressed at the ingenuity of our team in coming up with this solution.
Removing Overhanging Trees from a School
We know that schools often get grumbles from neighbouring properties thanks to parents parking, traffic around schools and a variety of other concerns, so it’s always nice to be able to do something to help keep neighbourly relations as smooth as possible for our clients in education.
We recently carried out some work for a Private School in Watford. The residents on the road where the school is located had been complaining that the trees on the school’s property were overhanging the road and their cars.
In some places, the trees had grown right over to the middle of the road and so of course we wanted to help remedy this to make the area safer for all and the trees healthier too.
Upon surveying the area, we realised that we were dealing with a lot of phone lines close to the trees and so we created a plan to safely remove the overhanging trees using a 21m Cherry Picker which all of our staff are trained to use.
To achieve this, we placed “No Parking” warning signs out a week before the works started to let residents know that the work was due to be carried out.
On the day of the job we worked on the trees to ensure that they were all cut back evenly, to sufficient growth points, ensuring that they didn’t look unbalanced. We carried out the job without any damage to the surrounding cars and phone lines and the school were happy with the work carried out, as were the neighbours!
The area is once again safer for passing foot traffic, vehicles and residents and the trees are looking great too!
Harpenden Garden Renovation
Here’s a renovation of a garden in Harpenden we undertook, which actually turned out to be a big job involving quite a few different trees.
The property boasted a Lime Tree, which required branches to be removed at the top of the tree, to allow for new growth at the top. This is a technique we call “pollarding” and we had to cut the tree back to previous points, in-line with how it had been pruned historically. Lime trees are a species which respond well to this kind of pruning, so we will be monitoring the Lime Tree and have created a plan for future maintenance.
Additionally, there were two rows of pines at the property. The back row of pines was being dominated by the front, with all of the weight leaning towards the neighbouring property. We decided to remove the back row of five pines and retain the front row. Additionally, we removed one leylandii to allow for replanting and also planted Portuguese laurel along the back boundary.
All of these decisions were made following regular meetings with St Albans council once our proposals were put forward and everything was approved.
If you have multiple trees which require work on your property then why not call in the experts and give us a call!

Eucalyptus Tree
Just like we all need a haircut every so often, trees also require the same. Here’s a Eucalyptus tree which we reduced towards the end of 2020 as it had grown too heavy and was also growing very close to our client’s house.
We reduced the top of the tree or the “crown” as the tree was so heavy at the end of each limb (branch).
Cutting back and reducing the tree to this point meant that we firstly reduced the “sail” effect of the tree blowing in the wind which was getting dangerous for the house.
Secondly, it has also let more light into the property which our client was delighted with.
Eucalyptus trees grow very fast, so fast that they can increase by up to a metre a year if the conditions are right!
Before we left, we put a plan for reducing in place and we have agreed that we will reduce this tree every 2-3 years in order to maintain current dimensions and keep the tree and their property safe.

Drowned Willow Tree Removal
It’s amazing how much trees can be affected by their surroundings.
We had pruned this tree for many years and it had always flourished, until a neighbour put up a retaining wall all the way around their garden and sunk the garden down quite a few feet.
This stopped the natural flow of rain water down the street and meant that the water was staying in our client’s garden, which resulted in the Willow tree actually drowning.
Such a shame, but we had to fell the tree as it was no longer living.
Due to the water being retained in the garden, we had to wait for a period of dry weather to prevent the lawn being destroyed with the work we had to carry out.
Using specific rigging techniques, we were able to fell this tree which was surrounded by plants, sheds and fencing, causing no damage to the surroundings.
If you have neighbours carrying out work, always consider what effect this could have on the trees in your garden, especially if the work requires permission from the council.

Grinding out a Chestnut Stump
As we’ve said before, we love to go the extra mile for our clients. Recently we had to grind out a Chestnut Stump from our client’s property.
We wanted to make sure that their patio wasn’t marked and that the windows didn’t smash when the stump grinder was used, as we were grinding quite close the property.
To avoid this, we placed wooden boards down on the floor and around the equipment so that it absorbed the sound and the motion of the grinder. Just one of the many ways that we use our expertise to get the job done in the best possible way.

Tree Removal over a River
Not much chance for messing around on the river of a summer’s day in our line of work, but sometimes the tree gods smile down on us and we get to go to interesting jobs that mean we get to travel by land and water to get the job done!
This large Leylandi was overhanging the river and needed pruning back into shape. As we could only see one side of the tree from the bank of the river, we decided to take to the water and use a canoe so that we could access the other side of the tree and assess how much needed to be cut to prune the tree adequately from the side of the tree on the river too.
We managed to achieve a great shape for the tree once pruned, and our customers were very pleased with the result.

Commercial Tree Felling
Here’s another tree felling job, that we were granted the go-ahead for just before the lockdown and the reason we won the contract, is our proven track record in this field.
We felled a sycamore tree on this property, and it was a really interesting job because we had to remove the tree whilst taking into consideration the surrounding buildings, fences and the adjacent pub.
Of course jobs like this are all in a days work for us and so this tree was all felled in one day with no damage caused.
Removing a Tree over a Garage
Sometimes our customers present us with interesting dilemmas.
We quoted on a job and had agreed to cut down the tree and bring the tree through the house to remove it as there was no back access to the house.
However, two days before starting work, the client called us to say that they were having new carpets fitted and they still wanted the work done, but didn’t want the tree to come through the house… what could we come up with?
Well we pride ourselves on always being able to find a solution to a problem… so we decided that if we couldn’t remove the tree through the house, that we would remove the tree over the garage instead!
Using a rope and pulley system that we rigged up, our expert team cut down the branches and sent them individually over the garage to the front of the house, before starting to cut down the trunk into smaller sections and removing it over the house too.
Finding solutions to interesting problems are all in a day’s work here for us at Longacre!
Pruning Trees at “St John on Bethnal Green” Church
Here is the second of four trees we pruned at “St John on Bethnal Green” Church.
We were pruning in order to encourage growth by cutting away the dead or overgrown branches on the trees.
It was a tricky job, as it’s right on the junction of Roman Road and Cambridge Heath Road, constantly flowing past.
Given the size of the job, we had one climber and three men on the floor to help with safety, as safety is our biggest priority on a job like this.
When we were applying for a permit for this job, the council asked us what our methodology for pruning the tree was, as they didn’t want it “pollarded” – which means removing the upper branches and making the foilage and branches denser on the top of the tree. They were happy with our plan for managing the pruning of the trees and gave us the go ahead to commence work.
This has been a great job to work on, and just demonstrates the types of highly skilled tree work we are able to carry out.
Conservation Area Fell
Here’s a job we completed for an insurance company who got in touch with us to ask us to remove these two trees which were causing damage to a driveway on the property.
The trees were in a conservation area, so we had to gain permissions from the local council and apply for all of the correct licences before we could complete the work.
Once received, we felled the trees and will return to do the stumps when the builders lift up the drive.
Do you have trees causing issues with a driveway or patio on your property? Don’t wait and let the problem increase, give us a call today and we can come and assess this for you.
Cherry Tree on a local estate
This Cherry tree had to be felled due to a large “wound” at the base of the trunk.
There were also signs of Turkey Tail Fungus, which is a fungus which attacks the wound of a tree and gets to the heartwood, or the centre of the tree and causes problems.
This was a tree on a local estate on public ground and so we were able to remove it relatively simply.
Removing a Fruit Tree at a local Nursery
It’s not often that we cut down a fruit tree, but we couldn’t take a risk with this Pear Tree at a local nursery as a huge cavity at the base and a slight lean towards the nursery playground made the tree unpredictable and so we decided to err on the side of caution and fell the tree.
Fruit Trees are very resilient and made of hard wood, so if this tree was in a big garden with little foot fall around it, we would probably have suggested to remove the weight from the crown instead to stabilise it.
However, you can’t take a chance with little ones around!
Rather than simply disposing of the tree, we wanted to recycle and make use of the wood to complement the environment, so we used the tree that we felled to make some little stools and a table for the play area so that the children had some equipment made out of natural materials in their outside space.
All of our workers are CRB/DBS checked and so we’re used to working in environments like nurseries where there are safeguarding policies in place.
If you work in a school or an education setting and have trees which need maintaining to help keep pupils and service users safe then please do think of us as we’d love to offer you a survey or quote for any works that you require.
Red Oak Tree – Hampstead Garden Suburb
We love to work on interesting tree jobs, and as a company we pride ourselves on the skills, expertise and knowledge needed to remove trees in a variety of different locations.
This Red Oak Tree had grown in a tight spot between a boundary fence, large shed and a beautiful house. It was also growing out of some raised decking so a very tricky removal!
We were proud to be entrusted to do this important job, and before starting we ensured that we obtained all of the necessary permissions from Hampstead Garden Suburb trust and Barnet council to get the job done.
Using specialised rigging equipment and qualified operatives, we managed to fell this tree in one day, of course ensuring that we took into account the surroundings to prevent any damage to the clients property.