Work on a Private Woodland and Lake

We love it when we get called to do a job that we can really sink our teeth into and this was definitely one of the more involved jobs that we’ve undertaken this year so far.

The client called us in September 2020. He had recently acquired a new house which came with this huge woodland and lake and he needed a company who could survey the land and undertake work on it. Of course, we were only too happy to help!

We were asked to complete an arboricultural survey which includes inspection of all trees on site. An arboricultural survey includes reporting on trees which are displaying any physiological or structural concerns and also involves surveying and identifying those which are within falling distance of any properties or roads.

It also offers recommendations to mitigate potential tree failure and work programmes which are put in place to manage the potential for any tree to have a negative impact upon any nearby structures and other trees.

The survey also included a full management plan for all trees for 3 years with in the site boundaries. All trees are to be tagged with a number and placed on a map for easy identification. The survey also offers other details of works recommended. Indemnity will be offered to the client if all of the recommendations are followed.

So as you can see from the video to follow, it’s been quite a big job, but one which we have loved doing.. Here are some videos of our team showing you the site we surveyed, and the work undertaken, including pullies to retrieving tress for the lake so people can start fishing it and making eco log piles to preserve the area for wildlife.

If you are looking for arboriculturalists who can undertake larger scale works as well as smaller scale, then we would be very happy to assist!